Discover Jun Group’s Client Service Mission and Values

At Jun Group, we pride ourselves on delivering an exceptional experience for our customers. Hear more about our mission and tips for account managers getting started in the advertising industry from our Associate Vice President of Client Services, Daniel Clionsky.


Video transcription:

Hi, I’m Dan Clionsky. I’m the Associate Vice President of Client Services here at Jun Group, and I’ve been here for just about 8 years now. 

I love the client service team because we’re extremely focused on giving great service. We’re focused on ensuring that our clients are happy, that our clients are getting the most value out of the campaigns that they’re running with us, and that, in general, they’re walking away with a great feeling about Jun Group and a really successful campaign. I

If I were talking to a new client service manager or someone who is starting in the field for the first time, my advice would be to always have a really customer-focused mindset. I know that’s very obvious; that’s our goal here is to make our customers happy. But also to be thinking about everything from their point of view — what makes them tick, why they’re happy or unhappy about something, and how you can make them look good. 

Because at the end of the day, we’re focused on making our clients look good to their clients — the client service team always has that in mind.

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