How AI-Powered Media Solves Ad Tech’s Greatest Challenges

What’s the most important trend happening in ad tech right now? Spoiler: It’s AI. Billy Murray, Product Marketing Manager at Jun Group, shares his perspective on AI-powered media and key challenges it solves, from privacy to performance.


Video transcription:

The most important trend in ad tech right now is without question AI machine learning. Now, AI has a lot of applications, whether it’s designing creatives or copywriting. But to me personally, by far the most exciting application is real-time media optimization. And for a couple of reasons.

The first, is over the past few years I’ve seen brands and agencies begin to adopt more of a performance-driven mindset. They need to show return on ad spend, and they need to drive ROI regardless of whether their goal is awareness, conversions, or consideration. Optimizing things like location, audience, creative, time of day, ad environment, or ad type with AI is one of the most efficient ways to get there. 

Performance networks, for example, have been doing this for a long time with app install campaigns. Jun Group has been invested in machine learning for quite some time now, and it’s super exciting to see this capability expand to different verticals, different KPIs, and new goals.

The second is I believe AI will help reduce the need for user-level targeting, which is a huge topic right now when we think about cookie deprecation or federal privacy regulations. Let me give you a quick scenario. 

Campaign A is set up with very, very strict targeting parameters. Your goal is to maximize delivery on that segment as much as you can to drive on-page conversions. And by the end of the campaign, you do. It’s a huge success and you drive a million conversions.

Campaign B, on the other hand, starts with a broader  interest-based segment. As that campaign delivers, your AI optimizes every single facet of your media delivery, and by the end, you also end up with a million conversions, maybe more. You can also look at those results and infer that you are certainly reaching the right audience because of all that great performance you drove. 

Of course, there are always going to be scenarios like healthcare, for example, where more precise targeting is necessary. But outside of that, my question to you is: which type of campaign would you rather run?

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